HELLO! This is the first post and also a description of what this site will be about. This will be a site about insurance, probably focusing more on the quant side of insurance than other areas such as where to buy insurance; the internet should have many other places where you can search for "buy auto insurance" :-P
However, I do hope to also write about methods how you could get cheaper insurance and the mathematical reasoning behind it. For example, I have heard anecdotally that insurance for a Mercedes Benz is cheaper than unsurance for a Holden Commodore. Why? The anecdote says that "because there are a lot of kids who drive Commodores and do stupid stuff, whereas a Mercedes Benz is driven mostly by older people who are more careful". Would the insurance company really think like that? How about Pr(Crash | Commodore) > Pr(Crash | Mercedes Benz )? Now to make this fit a little better with the insurance model that will be published in the next post: (mean payout for a Commodore) > (mean payout for a Mercedes Benz). However, whether or not this insurance contract princing anecdote is true or not can only be verified with actual data.
Have fun,
Insurance Blog
It is essential to research the product thoroughly before applying for Life Insurance Quotes and a clear understanding of what is and is not covered. The decision to purchase should never be based on the estimated premium pure.